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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Understanding the Basics of Fundamental Analysis in the Forex Market

World map showing countries by nominal GDP per...Image via Wikipedia

Traders typically approach financial markets in one of two ways: either through technical analysis or fundamental analysis. The reality is that history is full of traders who have had very successful careers as traders that employed both of these types of analyses.
In fact, in Jack Schwager's best-selling classic, Market Wizards, two of the traders interviewed are Ed Seykota and Jim Rogers. Rogers is quite adamant in his statement that he believes it is impossible to make a living as a technical trader. He goes so far as to say he has never met a rich technician. Seykota actually shares the exact opposite story. According to Seykota's own interview, he was a struggling trader when he traded according to fundamental analysis. It was not until he became a technician that he started to make a living trading financial markets.
As stated, successful traders throughout history have employed both technical and fundamental analysis. In this article we are going to break down the basic principles of fundamental analysis in the forex market.
Fundamental Analysis is commonly defined as a method of evaluating a specific security in order to determine its intrinsic value by analyzing a host of economic and financial data. In the foreign-exchange market, a security would be a currency. Market participants are continually analyzing the emerging fundamental from a country in order to determine the intrinsic value of the country's currency. There are several key economic indicators that every trader should understand on a basic level. Fluctuations in the data of these key indicators will generally cause the value of a currency to rise and fall.
Interest Rates
These are the single greatest driver of currency value over the long-term. Most Central Banks announce interest rates each month, and these decisions are watched very scrupulously by market participants. Interest rates are manipulated by Central Banks in order to control the money supply in an economy. If a Central Bank wants to increase the money supply, it lowers interest rates, and if it wants to decrease money supply it raises interest rates.
GDP is the most important indicator of economic health in a country. A country's Central Bank has expected growth outlooks each year that determine how fast a country should grow as measured by GDP. When GDP falls below market expectations, currency values tend to fall and when GDP beats market expectations, currency values tend to rise.
Inflation destroys the real purchasing power of a currency, and, therefore, inflation is very bad for the economy in most circumstances. Each year a normal rate of inflation between 2-3% is expected, but if inflation begins moving beyond the upward targets set by the Central Bank, a currency value will actually rise due to expectation of an imminent rate hike. Higher interest rates tend to fight off inflation.
We will discuss consumer demand in a moment, but people are basically what drive economic growth; therefore, unemployment is the backbone of economic growth. When unemployment levels increase, it has a devastating effect on economic growth; consequently, when the labor market contracts and unemployment increases, interest rates are often cut in an attempt to increase the money supply in the economy and stimulate economic growth.
Consumer Demand
As stated in the previous point, people are what drive economic growth; as a result, healthy consumer demand is essential to the normal, healthy functioning of an economy. When consumers are demanding goods and services, the economy tends to move forward, but when consumers are not demanding goods and services, the economy falters.
Even if you are a technical trader, it can still be very helpful to understand these basic elements of fundamental analysis. The best forex course will oftentimes offer further insight into how the emerging fundamentals drive price behavior.

Times To Trade

Money in a bag from the nordic foreign exchang...Image via Wikipedia

Trading the OTC (over the counter) currency markets offers an opportunity to hedge stock and bond investing, but really is more of a traded market following the ebbs and flows of global commerce than it is an investment arena to plan retirement from. Getting to know six major currency pairs would seem an easy task when compared to the tens of thousands of stock and bond options available for analysis.
Forex trade is not all about how each currency will move against the Usd, just as important is knowing when the market will have momentum, because that is key to not getting caught in reversals and snap-backs whilst leveraged at 100:1.
Setting times to trade really does make a lot of sense with the near-term view that forex valuations carry, and the fact that each 24 hour period has to absorb three regional commercial market's trade, in Asian, Europe and the U.S.
There are three main forex moving times that regularly garner attention, and therefore offer an ability to move prices with momentum. They are the 2am EDT German Dax futures market getting underway, the 6-7am EDT London gold/oil fixings and LIBOR rates being set, and the 11am EDT European market close.
Outside of that, the return from lunch in Japan between 11pm EDT and midnight, and the closing of the NYMEX markets at 2.30 pm EDT really are the only other times that prices move substantially and then hold.
At the end of the U.S. session the pattern is for Asian markets to try and initially reverse U.S. trade direction, although the lack of volume tends to soon allow pairs to find and hold support areas. The European markets tend to move in the same direction as Asian trade, and then Chicago based futures movement will try to reverse things back in the direction of where the U.S. previously closed, and re-set their books as the London fixings are placed between 5-6am EDT.
At 10:30am GMT in London, telephone bids for the gold and oil fixings take place, something that sets the morning clearing prices for bullion and crude dealers that (are then adjust once again at 3.30pm GMT). At 11am GMT each day in London the British Bankers Association set the inter-bank LIBOR rates, something that sets the tone for lending rates between financial market participants.
The London fixings tend to force Chicago based futures markets into a re-alignment program at 06:00 EDT that replicates the newly set fair values on oil, gold, and lending rates, and by default tends to then impact Usd based currency values. It is rare for the U.S. not to push back each morning and reverse the pattern of forex trade that came before, especially if a sizeable move has happened in overnight forex trade.
Forex traders really need to know what is going to trigger the technical set-ups, and therefore be prepared to ride momentum while it lasts, and to cap expectancy and exposure in things are moving against the near-term trend. In the trading forex arena there are different things to look for than in the equity and bond investment world; a week in forex absorb fifteen regional equity market moves, and all of which are movinmg for varying commercial regions, and using foreign exchange to hedge commitments, repatriate overseas profits, align reserve values, and garner swap interest.
The European and NYMEX close (11am EDT and 2.30 pm EDT are the U.S. based things to get out of the way, because then, maybe, the equity markets can reveal where they really want to go, and by default send the Usd in the opposite direction. Traders looking for moves outside of 2am, 6am, 11am, and maybe 2:30 EDT, may just find themselves sitting and waiting, wondering why they just bought the high of the day that then reversed.
Try it out, take a look at a volume study in forex futures, or look at the longest daily 30 minute candles, and see on average what time they hit. Then look at the times that nothing happens. That is not luck, it is the forex market tagging along, following the ebbs and flows of global commercial trade.
As the global economy travels trades its way out of the business cycle trough phase, the leaning is towards looking at S&P futures trade to confirm near-term sentiment, and risk tolerance. The speculators are never too far away from the S&P in times of fear; either selling into the fear of loss, or buying into the fear of missing profits. That is the reason for so much near-term volatility, and that is how things will stay until signs of GDP expansion are seen globally.
Until then it seems that the 24 hour a day S&P futures trade will set up the eight hour S&P cash market for currency traders to monitor, that will be followed by the S&P futures market tracking the 16 hours of Asian and European activity. Forex will follow that equity trend, at least until interest rates start to rise globally, and economic expansion takes place. At that time interest rate differentials will take over the valuation of forex pairs, to the greater degree.
Written by TheLFB Trade Team, © 2007-2008 LFB Services, LLC. All rights reserved.
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The Copying, Broadcast, Republication or Redistribution of TheLFB Content is Expressly Prohibited Without the Prior Written Consent of LFB Services, LLC.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How to Search for the Ideal Metatrader EA

gretl is an example of an open source economet...Image via Wikipedia

Important Risk Factors to Consider When Choosing a Metatrader Expert Advisor
With thousands of Metatrader EAs out there, it can be tough to cut through the noise and find one suitable for your trading style and risk tolerance. To help you in this search, I've compiled the statistics that many traders find to be very beneficial when analyzing any Metatrader EA.
Keep in mind that many of these backtesting statistics look solely at past performance. It's important to mention here that past performance is not indicative of future results.
With that said, the very first thing many traders look for, and this is rather intuitive, is: How well has this EA performed in the past? Obviously it's important to look for one that has shown profitable results, but stopping there could lead to some detrimental results.
These returns need to be adjusted for risk. If the Metatrader EA has shown some eye opening profits, but took on a ton of risk, these returns may not have been worth your while. To quantify profitability while also considering the risk taken on by the EA, many traders look at a statistic known as the “Profit Factor.”
Profit Factor:
This ratio essentially shows you how much you can expect to gain for each dollar put into the account, over how much you're at risk of losing. The profit factor is calculated as:
(profit - commission)/(max drawdown + commission)
A Metatrader EA with a profit factor less than 1 is a historically poor performing EA. The returns that it has produced do not justify the amount of risk taken on. Take a look at the table below for statistics of three hypothetical Metatrader EAs.
As you can see from this table, EA 3 has a profit factor less than one, and can be immediately eliminated from your decision. If you look closely, EA 3 actually was profitable (Total Gain - Total Loss = $890), however this return does not justify the amount of risk (drawdown) taken on.
The risk measurement that many traders tend to focus on are the drawdowns that the Metatrader expert advisor has produced.
Drawdown Analysis:
When first analyzing the drawdowns of an EA, a good place to start is simply by looking at the equity curve. An EA with a choppy and sporadic equity curve shows a historically volatile EA (see the chart below to the left); whereas a smoother equity curve shows a historically more stable EA (see the chart to the right).
Equity Curve - Volatile EA
Equity Curve - More Stable EA
Now, to further quantify the drawdown analysis; there are three measures that many traders look at.
Max Drawdown: This is the largest drawdown (in percentage terms) that the EA has realized over its trading lifeThis is the best indicator of a worst case scenarioA good way to think about this is: If this drawdown occurred immediately after opening your account, could you stomach this type of risk?Average Drawdown: The average drawdown size (in percentage terms) realized by the EA over its historical performance.Calculated by summing up all the losses (%) and dividing by the actual number of losses. In most cases this statistic can be provided by your EA vendorThe average drawdown will give you an idea of what you might typically see (on average) in a peak-to-trough cycle.Drawdown Recovery: Shows the time frame the trading robot has taken, on average, to recover from a drawdown back to a positive balance.A less volatile Metatrader expert advisor will often take longer to recover. Keep this in mind before deciding that a fast recovery is a good attribute.More volatile EAs often recover quicker, but this is due to large fluctuations and swings in performance.
These risk measurements will certainly be helpful when selecting the right EA for you. Keep each of these risk statistics in mind when analyzing any Metartrader EA, and always evaluate how they fit your personal risk tolerance. There are many more statistics and factors to consider when choosing an EA, and I will explain these in later articles.
Patrick Flynn

Getting Your Seattle Real Estate Asset Ready Is Essential To Get Purchasers Interested

Adding value to a Seattle Real Estate asset is crucial for creating a positive impression in the mind of the intended buyers. Like you, every individual investor will feel interested in a Property if The first impression regarding the Asset is decent. The first impression carries a lot of weight to influence a decision. Even a clean yard influences the consumers. You should see the Asset assuming yourself in a customer’s spot. This automatically generates an insight within you to think constructively.          

people like to enjoy the life as such any decision taken is invariably intended to be much better in comparison the existing situation. In case of investing in a Seattle Real Estate, it is all the more relevant.  So, why not try to feel the same way as a purchaser will? Often simple changes do the wonder; However, the intensity of improvement depends on the condition of the Asset.  All you want to do is to think like a consumer; You will know the focus.  You should not worry about the cost you have to pay for improvements, but think of Exactly How these improvements will add value to the Asset. Go Through anything; think and rethink. You will feel what more improvements you should create to enhance the appeal.       

A Seattle Real Estate always sells for a comparative value. Interested consumers make a comparison with other Property on sale that stand equally suitable for their needs so far the size and localities are concerned. It is obvious that a decision will tilt in favor of the ideal one if the cost is kept in abeyance for a while. You happily pay more for things which are comparatively better than similar merchandise being sold for less.  Apply the similar human psychology and don’t hesitate to generate every appropriate improvement to seek a far better price.      

Agents act as a fundamental link between the sellers and the buyers in Seattle Real Estate transactions. There are many administrative aspects of Property deals.  The State Laws and Municipal restrictions vary from State to State. The agents know ins and outs of Property marketplace in regard to all administrative aspects as well as the ongoing price in a locality. They will expertly guide you about selling a Property, including suggestion for the perfect possible cost and locating the interested buyers.  

We are associated with Seattle Real Estate organization for a long time. You’ll Obtain the perfect suggestions from us on the matters of Property valuation as well as every thing you have to follow for regulatory compliance. We have a veryssisted a large quantity of owners to sell a Property for a more effective cost. When you are looking for Seattle Realtors in your region please take a look at our webpage today by clicking on the link.  

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The Psychological Utility of Technical Analysis

Today I am starting an occasional series on one of the most fascinating and essential topics in currency trading; the interaction between the psychology of the market and the decisions of the individual trader. I hope these observations are useful; reader comments are welcome.

Technical analysis is sometimes studied as if it contains a grain of secret knowledge or portrays an intrinsic truth about currency movements. Often it is said that a specific chart formation will produce a specific price movement.

Technical analysis does nothing of the sort. A chart is a reflection of past prices, nothing more. In itself a graph cannot predict future price movements. A currency does not trade up or down because of a formation on a chart. It moves because market participants make basic assumptions about future price behavior based on the record of past price action. A charted history of price action is the cumulative story of thousands of trading decisions; it is a record of the past behavior of thousands of individual traders.

Price information is meaningful only because trader's decisions give it predictive power. A simple proof of the limited forward intelligence of historical price action is the well attested notion that fundamental developments always trump technical analysis. If the Federal Reserve raises rates unexpectedly or the Chinese Government announces it will no longer buy US Treasuries there is no chart formation that has ever existed that will prevent the dollar from rocketing up in the first instance or plummeting in the second.

Technical analysis does not produce price movement. I state the obvious because in the endless attribution of trading cause and effect to 'the market' it is easy to lose sight of the actual composition of the market--thousands of individual decision makers. The translation mechanism for technical analysis runs from the information contained in a chart, through the assessment of that information by market participants to the trading behavior of those market participants.

Another way to approach this idea is to ask, just who is the 'market' and what is it trying to accomplish every day. It is likely that over 90% of the $3.2 trillion daily volume in the FX market is speculative. That means that everyone in the market from the hedge fund trader with $1 billion under management, to the euro trader on the Deutsche Bank interbank desk to the retail trader in her study, is trying to do exactly the same thing, take home daily trading profits.

Interestingly, the overall worldwide foreign exchange trading volume in 2007, the year of the last survey, increased almost 50% from the prior survey in 2004 of $1.9 trillion daily. The counterparty reporting segment to which retail foreign exchange belongs boosted its share of turnover to 40% from 33% according to Bank for International Settlements in Basel (BIS, 2007) which conducts the tri-annual survey.

To return to my previous point, if every market participant is attempting to do the same thing, namely wring trading profits from the day's activities, how do they all go about it?

The first thing every trader does, in New York, Tokyo, London and in every land in between is to pull up charts and look for trading opportunities. Every trader looking for profit is judging the same charts. Everyone sees the same price history, and everyone identifies the same potentially profitable chart formations. And, in the absence of other factors, the majority of traders will come to the same trading conclusion based on the observed chart formations.

If euro has been in an up channel for two weeks and is approaching the bottom of the channel most traders looking for an opportunity in euro will bet on the continuance of the up trend and the maintenance of the channel. They will place buy orders just above the floor of the channel. And much of the time the charts will have been proven correct, the euro will indeed bounce from the floor of the channel. But it bounces not because, for instance, the ECB is expected to raise rates at some future date, but because of the fit between the goals, information and assumptions of the market's traders.

Traders need profits, all charts contain the same information and all traders operate with similar assumptions about market behavior based on chart formations. If enough traders place their buy orders above the bottom of the channel it becomes likely that the euro will bounce off the floor of the channel and continue the upward channel formation, barring external events of course.

There is powerful self-fulfilling logic in technical analysis, it works, because everyone trading believes it will work and makes their trading decisions accordingly. For a retail trader this knowledge is the most accessible and effective trading strategy that exists.

Joseph Trevisani
Chief Market Analyst

FX Solutions

IMPORTANT NOTICE: These comments are for information purposes only. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. Trading Futures, Options on Futures, and Foreign Exchange involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions, market data, and recommendations are subject to change at any time. The information contained on this email does not constitute a solicitation to buy or sell by FX Solutions,LLC., and/or its affiliates, and is not to be available to individuals in a jurisdiction where such availability would be contrary to local regulation or law.

(Chart courtesy of FX Solutions' FX AccuCharts. Price on 1st pane, Slow Stochastics on 2nd pane; uptrend lines in green; downtrend lines in red; horizontal support/resistance lines in yellow; 200-period simple moving average in light blue.)

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Gaining Cash With PLR Content articles

Private label articles can open up a world of opportunity, one that allows another earnings.  How you can really use private label articles mixed using the possible earnings possibilities of advertising with them, online and off, with are nearly endless. So you are able to evaluation a few well-liked indicates of income era with them here after which find out where to go for much more information.

1)Package a bunch of one’s private label articles together and make brief reports from them. Then head to eBay and surf any competitors inside your niche to determine what reports sell for there. Auction yours off, and earn earnings. Have them branded and selling services inside – either your personal or via affiliate hyperlinks – and make even more on backend product sales.

2)Create a viral advertising campaign starting together with your private label articles. Merely publish a bunch collectively in e-book form. Revise content material as needed, add your own classified ads inside, affiliate hyperlinks that have two tier applications, affiliate hyperlinks for your goods, banners linked to your opt-in form, and so on. Then bundle with a branding tool. Sell or give away the bundle to individuals who opt-in to your list, inviting them to re-brand the ebook and give it absent to their personal subscribers to earn earnings, too off of the second tier of the affiliate program and off of one’s affiliate plan.

3)Revise your private label articles and use them to set up niche content material websites. 1 with the easiest, fastest methods would be to begin having a blog, like a WordPress blog. Use your private label articles as posts, tweaking every to create it unique and including your own goodies to the mix like suggestions for the readers, enjoyable facts, digital photos, etc. Activate the RSS feed in your weblog and add your RSS hyperlink to RSS directories. The add marketing to your blog and private label articles: Google ™ Adsense, banners and text advertisements, affiliate hyperlinks, pictures linked for your product and service product sales pages and much more.

4)Send out a normal ezine that functions your private label articles for all of your advertising techniques. Invite people to subscribe in your signature file of your emails, weblog posts, forum posts and on-line with types. In your article bylines, add a hyperlink or affiliate to a web page that hosts a item you would like to promote.

5)Teach your website guests with your private label articles. Add portions their content to a PowerPoint presentation and insert graphs along with other images to educate your points. Package deal whole content articles collectively for further training and promote as coaching guides to accompany your presentation. Take this an additional step further and study the training manual while recording your voice. Then package deal using the audio file (MP3s are extremely popular right now to use within the car and although exercising.)

This really is only the start of how to generate an additional income with private label articles. Uncover more and see how your can advantage by studying much more, earning more!

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Evidence Based Trading

In this past Friday's day trading session in our chat room many subscribers asked me to explain in detail my approach to short term trading. So I could think of nothing better for an end of the year column then sharing with you my evidence based approach to the markets. Before I begin let me preface by saying that I am the first to admit that this trading technique is far from bulletproof. Markets at their core are simply pools of sentiment and can therefore be wildly irrational and unpredictable. Nevertheless, over the long run trading is a game of probabilities and I try to put the odds in my favor every time I trade. As Daymon Runyan once said, "The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to bet."

My philosophy of trading is relatively simple.

1. Have a bias
2. Let price confirm your bias
3. Manage the risk

For me, my evidence based approach starts with Kathy's Economic Calendar. Every week she combs through all the upcoming economic data isolating the most probable economic surprises using a host of proprietary analytic techniques to beat Wall Street at its own game. Over the course of the year she has been accurate approximately 65% of the time - an edge that I will take any time.

More importantly Kathy's calendar calls provide me with an intelligent, logical, well researched foundation for my fundamental view. Often currency markets will start moving in the direction of her call hours in advance of the economic event, bringing me to my second point. The fundamental bias is worthless if price action does not confirm the thesis. In trading your opinion does not matter. The only opinion that counts is the opinion of the majority of market participants. Ultimately our job as traders is to figure out the opinion of the majority and join the move before it runs out of steam.

There are a hundred different ways to generate a signal for technical entry using my approach, but my most favorite one is simply to let the price fall (if my bias is short) or rise (if my bias is long) through the 20 period simple moving average on the 5 minute chart. The key point for me is that I never sell on a green candle and I never buy in a red candle. Guessing tops or bottoms is a mugs game and I need evidence of strength or weakness before I put on a trade.

Of course price can lie. Sometimes breakdowns are instantly reversed and break outs fade faster than Vanilla Ice's career. That's when risk control becomes paramount. Again there are a hundred variations on proper stop and take profit placements but I prefer two basic approaches.

Approach One - trade with 2 units. Make the take profit target on half the position 1 times risk (usually 20-30 points). Once T1 is hit trail the rest by 10-15 points back.

This is generally the better risk control model because it allows you to capitalize on occasional large break out moves. Alas I have no patience and frequently opt for approach two.

Approach Two - trade with 1 unit and make your Take Profit target 75% of your risk stop (15 points TP on a 20 point stop) This is negative risk reward ratio, but it works if you have a high probability set up with 70% accuracy rate or better. When I adhere to my evidence based rules I often achieve better than 70% rate of success. When I deviate - I pay the price.

Trading is one of the few human enterprises where you can do everything right and still fail. That's why evidence based trading does not always work. But as Churchill once said about democracy -it is the worst type of government except for all others. Evidence based trading forces you to be aware of and utilize every aspect of the currency market - fundamentals, technicals and money management and I hope it provides you with the same edge that it has given me.

Boris Schlossberg

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Copywriting Tips – How To Boost Your Bottom Line

Effective copywriters earn lots of money and they can charge a few thousand dollars for crafting a single sales letter. They have an ability which is to sell virtually anything with the power of the written word.

Copywriting is the ticket you need to achieve financial independence because, while it may be a challenging skill to master, you can use it to sell your own products or to write for other people. You should keep in mind that copywriting is a critical component to achieving your online business goals and finding success as an internet marketer. On the other hand, it is true that it can take quite a bit of effort and time. Therefore, if you are willing to undertake the challenge, the tips that follow will be of use to you. Make it internet finally. Take Anik Singal’s advice in his new program at this Empire Formula website.

When you are writing sales copy, your main goal is to involve your potential client. The more they become involved emotionally while reading your copy, the more they will feel the benefits of your product. Is there any better way to provoke people’s curiosity about your product than to ask them questions?

This way you will make your sales copy exciting as well as drawing your readers in. The main idea is to pose questions that will get a “yes”. In other words, you shouldn’t pose negative questions. By getting people used to saying yes, your chances increase of them automatically saying yes when you ask them to buy your product.

You need to master the skill of creating exciting headlines as you will then be able to easily attract the attention of your potential clients. Thus, learning to create a headline that is profitable is an amazing skill that will help you create excellent sales letters. Apart from that, you’ll be writing numerous sub-headlines throughout your sales copy, which is why it’s important to know how to write them effectively. A good idea is to go through newspapers and magazines to get a gist of how headlines are actually written. Another option is to research online to find other headline examples. Having a good headline makes the difference between the success and failure of your copy. Anik Singal wants to teach you the correct approach of on the net promoting and provide you with the skill set to lastly make it internet. Look at this Empire Formula Review page.

Many marketers take too many liberties with the truth, and you need to be careful because it can come back to bite you. Boring copy tends to not sell, but you don’t want to make it overly hype filled, either.

Even though there are many ways you can develop your copywriting talents, however, if you want to excel you need to learn and practice. Even though they don’t have any marketing training, there are plenty of copywriters who have reached a level where they can write copy for clients as well as themselves. So don’t lose your focus and keep improving if you want to make a mark. If you want to make money on demand then you need to master the ability of writing effective sales pages.

Additional Resources:
Ways To Make Money Online

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5 Tips for Trading During Volatile Markets

Increased volatility leads many traders to seeing an increase in trading opportunities. The huge market swings trigger thoughts of monumental upside, but also for potential loss especially if traders do not take the necessary precautions. During times of volatility, traders need to adjust their strategy to compensate for erratic market. When trading during these market conditions, traders should follow the rules below.

1. Be More Selective Before Placing Trades

Wanting to take advantage of all the trading opportunities that present themselves in volatile markets, traders are tempted to place an increase number of trades. This temptation should be avoided. It is important to remember that in volatile times, losses are likely to be big. Before placing a trading, assess risk tolerance levels. Determine the level of risk that is acceptable for the trader both psychologically and financially before placing any trades.

2. Use Less Leverage

During high market volatility, losses can be traumatic. With the average trading range increased in volatile times traders should be considering how leverage will affect trades. At a one percent or even a half percent margin, investors should be mindful of how much leverage or even the size position being traded can affect their portfolio. In normal market conditions, placing a 2 lot position is fine when you are looking to make about 50-100 pips. During a more volatile time, when the potential loss is 100-200 pips, it stops being an effective risk to reward ratio. To compensate traders should look to taking on smaller trading positions, in this case only one lot as opposed to the average 2 lot position.

3. Trade with More Discipline

Traders should always follow their predetermined trading strategy regardless of market condition. During volatile markets, this is even more important to use that same level of restraint. Traders must adhere to any set stops, contingency plans or risk management benchmarks without hesitation. This will help to define how much risk is taken should price action be uncontrollable. Without this level of discipline and self control losses can be great.

4. Tighten Stops

Many traders are hesitant to use tighter stops in volatile markets because they see the large swings increasing the likelihood that the position will be taken out. Having tighter stops can also provide great risk managers in times of extreme volatility. For example, on a EURUSD trade, rather than setting an 80 pip stop to protect your position, consider placing a 50-60 pip stop. This will insure the protection of your currency position and if the stop is broken, there is a high likelihood that the trend will continue lower and the stop took you out before you could potentially lose more money.

The width of the stop being set does depend on the currency pair being trading as some pairs have wider ranges. In a Yen cross like the GBPJPY or AUDJPY, traders may be more likely to have wider stops as their average daily range is 50% more than that of the EUR/USD. With that said, stops during volatile market conditions should not as wide as before. Instead of a stop 100 pips below entry, traders may consider a 25 pip reduction and have a 75 pip stop. Below is a chart showing the EURUSD and the GBPJPY on the same very volatile day in the forex market. The EURUSD had an impressive range of nearly 600 pips! The GBPJPY far dominated though with nearly a 2000 pip trading range.

5. Be Prepared

It also helps a trader to know what is causing the current spate of volatility in the markets in order to be prepared for the unexpected. As such, an investor can accommodate their strategy to the market environment and not just the currency pair being traded. The first of these considerations is accounting for emotions in a market: is fear currently driving the market lower? Or is it buyer's mania that is keeping the bullish tone alive? Traders' overreaction and emotion tend to push markets to overextended targets. This fact alone creates volatility through simple supply and demand.

Volatility can also, and more than likely will, be sparked by economic events. In this instance, market participants may interpret fundamental data differently and not as cut and dry as the more novice trader. A perfect example of this is usually monthly manufacturing reports that are released in pretty much all industrial economies. The classic scenario has the market honed in on a particular number for the month. However, traders young and old will sometimes wonder why the market sold off if manufacturing showed positive growth. The answer is simple. The market had a different interpretation and positions were violently reshaped and shifted. These tend to create great opportunities for some and horrible memories for others. Below is an hourly chart of the EUR/USD during ISM Manufacturing for October 1, 2008. Here we can see the huge price gap that occurred due to market volatility as well as the resulting trend.

Panic and erratic momentum can additionally be found in certain market environments. Not to be confused with fear or greed, panic selling and buying can create very choppy and relatively untradeable markets. These conditions will lead some to flip flop their positions while leaving others gaping at the fact that the position was right, only to be stopped out prematurely. These two common examples will create further panic and volatility as traders abandon their own individual strategy for the possibility of instant profits or stoppage revenge. As a result, a vicious cycle of volatility ensues until a definitive market direction can be established.

The simple rules above, and a task of getting to know the current trading environment, can empower every trader through the ranks. Although some relate volatility with difficult and untouchable markets, opportunities continue to remain abound in these less than attractive conditions to those focused and fortunate.

By following these five simple steps, trading in volatile market conditions should be a little simpler. Don't forget to adjust leverage based on volatility, follow your trading plan, tighten your stops and know why you are getting into a trade before you place it.

Richard Lee is the Chief Currency Strategist for Online Forex Trading, a currency trading website that focuses on providing actionable forex news, unbiased forex broker reviews and trading software reviews. Richard has been featured on Bloomberg, FX Street, Yahoo Finance and DailyFX.

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9 Tips To Find The Greatest Agence De Traduction

It today’s time if you wish to survive within the aggressive market you must take your corporation go nationwide and international. However most people hitch taking this resolution as they believe language barrier would hamper their enterprise and so they may wind up in serious troubles. But with coming of agence de traduction you needn’t worry!

Agence de traduction gives trouble free and high quality translation companies in almost all vital languages. All you might want to do is locate the perfect for yourself. As there is lots of of agence de traduction to select from here we carry you a comprehensive guide to help you select the most effective:

1.             The agence de traduction should function professionals: The agence de traduction should function professional and qualified translators with a certain number of years. The translator must additionally focus on explicit fields like technical, medical, legal, pharmaceutical, humanitarian and environmental.

2.             The agence de traduction should have access to libraries: At instances it is tough to translate all the things which is given. At instances even professionals have to refer books and advanced dictionaries. Thus the agence de traduction will need to have membership of prestigious libraries and councils. This gives translators the possibility to lay their palms on reference material every time needed

3.             The agence de traduction must use advanced translation software: this doesn’t suggest that the translation must be achieved utilizing these software. The company should function SDL Trados-this software ensures consistence during the translation process making it extra professional.

4.             Agence de traduction must have style particular glossaries: The professional and good agence de traduction have particular glossaries for every genre. This offers them greater diploma of accuracy as for typical genres they’ve a reference guide which helps them save time and avoid errors.

5.             Every doc should be double checked and proof read: The agence de traduction earlier than it submits the paperwork must be double checked and proof read by skilled professionals. It will guarantee high quality test and avoid little errors which might hamper your online business prospects and growth.

6.             The agence de traduction must ship ready to print translation documents: Even when the agence de traduction makes use of InDesign, FrameMaker, Illustrator and QuarkXpress to supply the doc they must convert the document within the wanted format which is ready to print.

7.             Agence de traduction should provide multilingual translation services: There are times whenever you need one document translated into several languages. Thus, choose the agence de traduction that assures translation in virtually all the languages like Italian, French, Chinese language, German, Danish, Japanese, Swedish, Russian, Slovak, Polish, Norwegian and Turkish.

8.             Agence de traduction must supply quick turnaround submissions: The agency that promises prompt and error free translated copy should be most popular over the others. As in business time is money.

9.             Price: Cost is another essential issue to be taken into account. Don’t let the cost of translation exceed the expected positive factors of that project.

10.           Final but not the leasta, choose the agence de traduction which is properly reputed and has a protracted historical past of glad customers.

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Great Back-up Options For Business Owners

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Even professional shooters take shots that are afflicted by flash over-exposure. The lumination generated by the flash is substantial, and overcomes the model's features. When the issue is severe, faces show up as white globes with the features all but indiscernible; this is one of the most challeng...

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DSLR cameras have brought high quality photo equipment to the masses. But it is important to remember that a pro quality Digital SLR camera is only one part of what it takes to take truly great pictures. You also have to understa...

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Offline Marketing Techniques for Online Marketers

Consistently working on the internet can blind you to the larger potentials that you can integrate into your business for maximum results. This trap is an easy one to get caught in because you can get comfortable working solely from your computer and then decide to only look for new traffic sources and customers on the internet. Your business will suffer if you don’t branch out to other arenas. Offline marketing is an excellent way for giving people an online resource that they can turn to. All it takes is for you to make them aware. Following are some of the most basic offline techniques to use and profit from.

Ads strategically placed in magazines are effective. You can easily find magazines in your need to run a classified ad. These ads are inexpensive. One of the best reasons to choose magazine classified advertising is that, unlike newspaper classifieds where people never read every ad, magazine readers are usually big enough fans that they actually do read every classified ad in the back of the magazine. This gives you incredibly targeted traffic that is looking specifically for products and services like yours. The results from this method, if done right, can make you fortune.

Get something small printed, like key chains or sticky notes and hand them out or leave them in strategic places. Try to find places to give these items away for free, such as local restaurants, gyms or retail stores. You can also distribute them anywhere you can think of where many people congregate, shop or pass through. If you have a supply with you when you travel about, you can simply drop them off when you go about your everyday errands.

Do not discount the bulletin boards you see at the library or at the grocery stores. You almost never have to pay money to advertise on these spaces. A flier right at the entrance where the bulletin boards are located in a perfect position to gain more exposure to your site. This simple bulletin board technique works because it draws the eyes of most people that enter the store. This is by far one of the free methods that requires almost no time and work on your part.

Marketing requires you to become more creative. You need to at least realize that the offline market is a giant compared to the internet. With the help of offline marketing you can take your business up a few notches.

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Correlation in the Forex Market

Statistically speaking, correlation is the measured relationship between two units over a series of time. Correlation is measured on a range of -1 (perfect negative correlation) to 1 (perfect positive correlation). A positive correlation implies that the two units move in similar directions, the higher the correlation the closer and more accurately these moves are. Conversely, a negative correlation represents opposite movements with a smaller (more negative) number representing a stronger relationship between the opposite movements.

It is important to understand that in the forex market you are trading currency pairs as a single unit. These pairs consist of two different currencies and are priced based on the value of one currency divided by the other. Technically you are making two trades when you trade any forex pair. You are buying one currency while simultaneously selling the other. For example: with the AUD/USD you are buying the AUD while selling the USD when you go long the pair. So, instead of looking at currency pairs as a single unit like a stock or a commodity, it is more appropriate to look at currency pairs as two separate trades. Viewing forex pairs as two separate trades will help you understand the relationship between other currency pairs, and will help to clarify why there seems to be an outstanding amount of correlation within the forex market.

Creating Healthy (Forex) Relationships

If you were to compare some of the major pairs in the forex market, you would immediately notice that many have an uncanny resemblance in their pattern. Below is an example of the EUR/JPY vs. EUR/USD:

The above two pairs move in such a similar manner and show a high level of correlation. There is a simple reason for this and becomes apparent when you break the trades down. In both the EUR/JPY and EUR/USD you are buying the EUR and selling some other currency in a long trade. If you take another look at what you are actually comparing in mathematical form the reason for the strong correlation becomes quite obvious:

Now take the example of the USD/JPY and EUR/USD:

In this example you see a highly negative correlation. Similarly to the last example, the driving factor here is the increased appearance of a specific currency. In this case the USD. However the difference in this case is that you have the currency appearing on opposites ends for each trade. Because one pair is buying and one is selling, you have inadvertently caused a negative relationship. To further illustrate this point, let's assume that the only currency that moves is USD, while the two other currencies (JPY and EUR) remain flat. Now you are effectively comparing the relationship of USD to that of the inverted USD, which is rather useless. Here is the comparison in equation form:

Understanding Correlation in the Forex Market

When comparing pairs in the forex market for correlation, it is usually not wise to have a currency represented more than once. In the comparison of two currency pairs you will have a total of four currencies affecting the relationship. To avoid one currency from being overstated it is vital that all four currencies, regardless of whether they are being bought or sold, only appears once. By doing this you can create unique relationship that will be able to give you a valuable and unique insight in to the relationship of two pairs. Correlation comparison can potentially set you up for new and exciting trading opportunities as well as offer you several unique trading strategies. In order for you to understand and realize these opportunities you must first understand the full breadth of what is being compared.

Matthew Cherry
TradersChoiceFX - Forex Broker

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5 Tips for Trading During Volatile Markets

Increased volatility leads many traders to seeing an increase in trading opportunities. The huge market swings trigger thoughts of monumental upside, but also for potential loss especially if traders do not take the necessary precautions. During times of volatility, traders need to adjust their strategy to compensate for erratic market. When trading during these market conditions, traders should follow the rules below.

1. Be More Selective Before Placing Trades

Wanting to take advantage of all the trading opportunities that present themselves in volatile markets, traders are tempted to place an increase number of trades. This temptation should be avoided. It is important to remember that in volatile times, losses are likely to be big. Before placing a trading, assess risk tolerance levels. Determine the level of risk that is acceptable for the trader both psychologically and financially before placing any trades.

2. Use Less Leverage

During high market volatility, losses can be traumatic. With the average trading range increased in volatile times traders should be considering how leverage will affect trades. At a one percent or even a half percent margin, investors should be mindful of how much leverage or even the size position being traded can affect their portfolio. In normal market conditions, placing a 2 lot position is fine when you are looking to make about 50-100 pips. During a more volatile time, when the potential loss is 100-200 pips, it stops being an effective risk to reward ratio. To compensate traders should look to taking on smaller trading positions, in this case only one lot as opposed to the average 2 lot position.

3. Trade with More Discipline

Traders should always follow their predetermined trading strategy regardless of market condition. During volatile markets, this is even more important to use that same level of restraint. Traders must adhere to any set stops, contingency plans or risk management benchmarks without hesitation. This will help to define how much risk is taken should price action be uncontrollable. Without this level of discipline and self control losses can be great.

4. Tighten Stops

Many traders are hesitant to use tighter stops in volatile markets because they see the large swings increasing the likelihood that the position will be taken out. Having tighter stops can also provide great risk managers in times of extreme volatility. For example, on a EURUSD trade, rather than setting an 80 pip stop to protect your position, consider placing a 50-60 pip stop. This will insure the protection of your currency position and if the stop is broken, there is a high likelihood that the trend will continue lower and the stop took you out before you could potentially lose more money.

The width of the stop being set does depend on the currency pair being trading as some pairs have wider ranges. In a Yen cross like the GBPJPY or AUDJPY, traders may be more likely to have wider stops as their average daily range is 50% more than that of the EUR/USD. With that said, stops during volatile market conditions should not as wide as before. Instead of a stop 100 pips below entry, traders may consider a 25 pip reduction and have a 75 pip stop. Below is a chart showing the EURUSD and the GBPJPY on the same very volatile day in the forex market. The EURUSD had an impressive range of nearly 600 pips! The GBPJPY far dominated though with nearly a 2000 pip trading range.

5. Be Prepared

It also helps a trader to know what is causing the current spate of volatility in the markets in order to be prepared for the unexpected. As such, an investor can accommodate their strategy to the market environment and not just the currency pair being traded. The first of these considerations is accounting for emotions in a market: is fear currently driving the market lower? Or is it buyer's mania that is keeping the bullish tone alive? Traders' overreaction and emotion tend to push markets to overextended targets. This fact alone creates volatility through simple supply and demand.

Volatility can also, and more than likely will, be sparked by economic events. In this instance, market participants may interpret fundamental data differently and not as cut and dry as the more novice trader. A perfect example of this is usually monthly manufacturing reports that are released in pretty much all industrial economies. The classic scenario has the market honed in on a particular number for the month. However, traders young and old will sometimes wonder why the market sold off if manufacturing showed positive growth. The answer is simple. The market had a different interpretation and positions were violently reshaped and shifted. These tend to create great opportunities for some and horrible memories for others. Below is an hourly chart of the EUR/USD during ISM Manufacturing for October 1, 2008. Here we can see the huge price gap that occurred due to market volatility as well as the resulting trend.

Panic and erratic momentum can additionally be found in certain market environments. Not to be confused with fear or greed, panic selling and buying can create very choppy and relatively untradeable markets. These conditions will lead some to flip flop their positions while leaving others gaping at the fact that the position was right, only to be stopped out prematurely. These two common examples will create further panic and volatility as traders abandon their own individual strategy for the possibility of instant profits or stoppage revenge. As a result, a vicious cycle of volatility ensues until a definitive market direction can be established.

The simple rules above, and a task of getting to know the current trading environment, can empower every trader through the ranks. Although some relate volatility with difficult and untouchable markets, opportunities continue to remain abound in these less than attractive conditions to those focused and fortunate.

By following these five simple steps, trading in volatile market conditions should be a little simpler. Don't forget to adjust leverage based on volatility, follow your trading plan, tighten your stops and know why you are getting into a trade before you place it.

Richard Lee is the Chief Currency Strategist for Online Forex Trading, a currency trading website that focuses on providing actionable forex news, unbiased forex broker reviews and trading software reviews. Richard has been featured on Bloomberg, FX Street, Yahoo Finance and DailyFX.

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Google AdSense – Effective Tips to Earn More Revenue

Google took the adsense contextual advertising program and wildly succeeded in making it the most recognizable ad platforms on the net. AdSense is nothing but an online advertising platform that has been designed by Google to generate revenue for itself and its publishers for every click they get. Adding AdSense to your website is no big deal, but what really matters is how can you increase or maximize your Adsense revenues? You’ll need an adsense account, but it doesn’t cost anything to apply for it. In order to display ads, you’ll just add the code to your site in the best places. You’ll make money, along with Google, each time there’s a click on an ad on your site. It will take some time, and there are a lot of factors involved, before you’re seeing significant adsense income. The remainder of this article will be devoted to strategies you can use today to get the most (money) out of your adsense publishing. We all think that affiliate marketing is hard. Well it is.. if you don’t know the right way to do it. But Anik Singal takes that hassle out of the way and you can see all the details in this Empire Formula webpage.

In order to make good money with Google AdSense, you need to follow some basic rules. If you’re not familiar, you need to realize that some adsense clicks are worth more than others, and the ads displayed on your site are determined by your site content. In order to increase your revenue and keep it consistent, you have to have unique hand-written content on your site. Why is that recommended? High quality content will not ever hurt you, in fact you’ll have a better chance of making your site sticky and getting some rankings in the search engines with some good backlinks. When you start getting a regular stream of visitors from the search engines, you’ll see more AdSense revenue coming in. Try not to add more than two Adsense blocks on the same page of your site. Even though there are sites that use more than two blocks, it’s just not recommended. Keep the number of blocks to one or two so visitors won’t think they’re on a spammy site. When you use more ad blocks, you also increase the number of low paying ads that are likely to show. Rather than put more ads, experiment with various sizes, formats and placements on your site. Anik Singal has what it takes you make money online. He will show you exactly how to do it at this Empire Formula webpage.

It’s really kind of important to have other monetization methods in place on your site. Two considerations, you don’t want to be completely dependent on adsense, and Google frowns on sites that are made just for adsense. Sometimes things happen, so if your ads do not get shown you’ll have other means for making money. There are other contextual ad programs you can use, as well as Amazon and other affiliate products. It’s just all about having a safety net just in case something happens.

Adsense is the most well-established contextual advertising program on the net. If you have a website, then adding AdSense to it will only increase its value and help you reach your site’s full potential.

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Virtual Assistant

A digital assistant is really a self-employed company owner who delivers administrative assistance to their clients. The customers might want a one time job, or a long term position. A virtual assistant may do secretarial duties, for example writing up letters and memo’s or contacting other enterprise persons for the client. Other duties a virtual assistant may well cover are customer service, messaging services, e mail blasts or autoresponders, e mail help, fax paperwork, and numerous other duties. A electronic assistants duties actually does vary drastically.  

You’ll find a few key attributes to an excellent electronic assistant. Great grammatical skills are needed; no spelling errors are going to be acceptable. A electronic assistant have to be really organized since no a single will hire an assistant who doesn’t have their files arranged and handy. A electronic assistant having a wide range of expertise is sought after. Being technically savvy is vital particularly when you are a virtual assistant because it can be what individuals anticipate and need to have in such an net related business globe. Also, in this technological planet, you need to have the ability to take directions, understand them without having too several questions or difficulties, and get the function carried out, perfectly. A digital assistant must be on their toes, on the lookout for unforeseen issues that may well have been overlooked. Digital assistants have fantastic communication competencies, negotiating rates, deadlines, and project plans. But, unfortunately, these assistants must make sure that they make time for function. It’s really easy to have caught up in housework or the kids and not set aside work time at house. When deadlines are missed, it looks poor on your reputation as a electronic assistant.

A virtual assistant can make their own hours, as stated before, but they can also make their very own rates, which is great. They tend not to need to settle for acquiring paid too small for a large job. They don’t need to worry about prolonged commutes, and thus high-priced gas, leaving their youngsters at daycare, and stressful co-workers and bosses.

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Ratchet Tie Down 101

The ratchet straps we usually say is the assembly of straps and ratchet buckles, also known as ratchet tie down . Usually people use nylon or polyester webbing to make the straps  , the safe load limit can range from less than 100lbs to more than 1000lbs , the width can range from 1 inch to 4 inches , usually we can see hooks, loops or chain extension at both ends of the assembly .

The ratchet buckle is primary made of steel, some buckles have plastic handles, some have aluminum handles, and there is one kind of buckle called one piece ratchet buckle, the handle is steel. For different applications and jobs, these ratchets come in with a few flavors, short handle, wide handle, long handle, long and wide handle ones,  depends on their personal preferences and purpose, people will choose different ratchet handles for their tie down needs, it’s the varieties make ratchet straps the king of tie downs.

Both nylon and polyester webbing are used to make the straps, but they have different characteristics, for shock absorption, we need nylon webbing and for tie down bulk loads we need polyester webbing straps, nylon webbing has better elongation than polyester while polyester webbing are stronger than nylon ones, in real world applications we need varieties of straps for different jobs , that is to say we need both nylon and polyester webbing  straps for different needs.

Webbing cab also be coated with suitable materials that will improve desirable characteristics, such as abrasion resistance, sealing to prevent penetration of foreign particles and matter, increased(or decreased) coefficient of friction, ultra-violet light resistance .

Of course the quality of the straps is the critical characteristic, to use these straps properly and safely is a must . Now we need to find low price yet high quality straps. Specialty stores will have almost all the straps you may need, and you probably are familiar with the people as well as the products in the store, and you don’t mind to pay a little premium for the service and quality. Actually there is a better way to acquire these straps, you guessed it, online stores are probably the best place to find wonderful deals, not most of the time but you will always find what you need, maybe not exactly but it will be close, and you may find some websites are pretty helpful in this regard, such as Trucker’s Deal, you will find extremely useful information about tie down stuff.

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Psychological Utility of Technical Analysis

Today I am starting an occasional series on one of the most fascinating and essential topics in currency trading; the interaction between the psychology of the market and the decisions of the individual trader. I hope these observations are useful; reader comments are welcome.

Technical analysis is sometimes studied as if it contains a grain of secret knowledge or portrays an intrinsic truth about currency movements. Often it is said that a specific chart formation will produce a specific price movement.

Technical analysis does nothing of the sort. A chart is a reflection of past prices, nothing more. In itself a graph cannot predict future price movements. A currency does not trade up or down because of a formation on a chart. It moves because market participants make basic assumptions about future price behavior based on the record of past price action. A charted history of price action is the cumulative story of thousands of trading decisions; it is a record of the past behavior of thousands of individual traders.

Price information is meaningful only because trader's decisions give it predictive power. A simple proof of the limited forward intelligence of historical price action is the well attested notion that fundamental developments always trump technical analysis. If the Federal Reserve raises rates unexpectedly or the Chinese Government announces it will no longer buy US Treasuries there is no chart formation that has ever existed that will prevent the dollar from rocketing up in the first instance or plummeting in the second.

Technical analysis does not produce price movement. I state the obvious because in the endless attribution of trading cause and effect to 'the market' it is easy to lose sight of the actual composition of the market--thousands of individual decision makers. The translation mechanism for technical analysis runs from the information contained in a chart, through the assessment of that information by market participants to the trading behavior of those market participants.

Another way to approach this idea is to ask, just who is the 'market' and what is it trying to accomplish every day. It is likely that over 90% of the $3.2 trillion daily volume in the FX market is speculative. That means that everyone in the market from the hedge fund trader with $1 billion under management, to the euro trader on the Deutsche Bank interbank desk to the retail trader in her study, is trying to do exactly the same thing, take home daily trading profits.

Interestingly, the overall worldwide foreign exchange trading volume in 2007, the year of the last survey, increased almost 50% from the prior survey in 2004 of $1.9 trillion daily. The counterparty reporting segment to which retail foreign exchange belongs boosted its share of turnover to 40% from 33% according to Bank for International Settlements in Basel (BIS, 2007) which conducts the tri-annual survey.

To return to my previous point, if every market participant is attempting to do the same thing, namely wring trading profits from the day's activities, how do they all go about it?

The first thing every trader does, in New York, Tokyo, London and in every land in between is to pull up charts and look for trading opportunities. Every trader looking for profit is judging the same charts. Everyone sees the same price history, and everyone identifies the same potentially profitable chart formations. And, in the absence of other factors, the majority of traders will come to the same trading conclusion based on the observed chart formations.

If euro has been in an up channel for two weeks and is approaching the bottom of the channel most traders looking for an opportunity in euro will bet on the continuance of the up trend and the maintenance of the channel. They will place buy orders just above the floor of the channel. And much of the time the charts will have been proven correct, the euro will indeed bounce from the floor of the channel. But it bounces not because, for instance, the ECB is expected to raise rates at some future date, but because of the fit between the goals, information and assumptions of the market's traders.

Traders need profits, all charts contain the same information and all traders operate with similar assumptions about market behavior based on chart formations. If enough traders place their buy orders above the bottom of the channel it becomes likely that the euro will bounce off the floor of the channel and continue the upward channel formation, barring external events of course.

There is powerful self-fulfilling logic in technical analysis, it works, because everyone trading believes it will work and makes their trading decisions accordingly. For a retail trader this knowledge is the most accessible and effective trading strategy that exists.

Joseph Trevisani
Chief Market Analyst

FX Solutions

IMPORTANT NOTICE: These comments are for information purposes only. Past results are not necessarily indicative of future results. Trading Futures, Options on Futures, and Foreign Exchange involves substantial risk of loss and may not be suitable for all investors. You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions, market data, and recommendations are subject to change at any time. The information contained on this email does not constitute a solicitation to buy or sell by FX Solutions,LLC., and/or its affiliates, and is not to be available to individuals in a jurisdiction where such availability would be contrary to local regulation or law.

(Chart courtesy of FX Solutions' FX AccuCharts. Price on 1st pane, Slow Stochastics on 2nd pane; uptrend lines in green; downtrend lines in red; horizontal support/resistance lines in yellow; 200-period simple moving average in light blue.)

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5 Methods an ADSL Broadband Connection Can Save Your Company Money

5 Ways an ADSL Options(13)’>Broadband Connection Can Save Your Firm Cash

ADSL presents many opportunities to improve business efficiency and minimize costs. Corporations in all places, given the present financial outlook, are in search of methods to save cash either by chopping costs, with out having to give up any companies on which they rely, or by getting exceptional out of existing resources.  An easy, efficient and very inexpensive solution is to explore what  your ADSL connections offers. Here’s a record of the highest 5 issues that we advocate to our ADSL clients :

1. ADSL – VPN Remote entrance to the workplace
Many companies wish to enable their employees to entry servers,mail or recordsdata at the workplace when they’re at clients or at home . In the event you run your personal business you’re in all probability acquainted with the sensation if you end up working at home, on the weekend or after hours, and you keep in mind you forgot some files/mail at the office that you want?

Well even with the most affordable ADSL line you can setup a Digital Private Network (VPN). A VPN is asecure tunnel that permits the user to access the remote network as if they were on the local lan . In fact the variety of simultaneous user the road can help relies on the line speed but fortunately for us there may be a wide range of ADSL options to help this. Even for giant medium sized corporates there may be the bonded ADSL option. Part of the VPN solutions is that your remote employees will need cellular web access. The best option for this 3G or HSDPA.
Having remote access that keep them from literally having to live at the office makes for happier employyees and happy employees are better workers . More efficient use of time and naturally higher service to prospects when the sales rep can get the most recent worth list inside seconds.
2. Inter section Connections with ADSL

If you have two or extra branches you most probably have some application hosted at head workplace that branches have to access frequently, Pastel, VIP and another(a) fashionable functions are common. When searching for applications
solutions to help enterprise with branches many humble businesses try to depend on some form of disconnected solution that permits mingling of databases and records on a periodic basis. As anyone who does this knows that is by no means a straightforward course of as the appliance distributors make out and you end up losing lots of time and money checking out conflicts, corruptness and misplaced data.  The solution we supply is to setup a inter-department Virtual Non-public Network (VPN). With an inter-department VPN users at the remote department can entry and run utility which are located at head office. We regularly counsel using Microsoft’s Remote Desktop jointly with the ADSL VPN to get essentially the most out of the ADSL traces uplink pace with out having to use a bigger ADSL pipe.
3. Minimize phone prices with VOIP

Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) with ADSL is one other nice method to save costs. In case you are a micro enterprise then a single ADSL line is all you need to be able to use voip and entry the Internet. If you are a larger enterprise then you have to a dedicated ADSL connection on your VOIP calls. Whats nice though is that you may make use of a cheap local solely, unshaped, ADSL account.
With the big selection of ADSL offerings on the market and the company ADSL resolution it’s attainable to run name centres off of VOIP trunks. What is nice as effectively is that VOIP might be added to an present PBX or if you happen to want a virtuoso(a) new PBX then a complete PBX VOIP answer could be provided to you. Even in case you are a larger sized enterprise but don’t wish to use VOIP on your fundamental switchboard it may be used to c00004000onnect branches to go office. Since VOIP on VOIP calls are free you can get rid of the cost of inter-department calls completely!
VOIP allows you to retain the numbers your company’s customers already use and know . You possibly can maintain you present telkom strains to for incoming calls and merely route outgoing over VOIP. Least cost routing is completed on the VOIP providers premises so you also get to make the most of routing calls over the cheapest connection with out the outlay of money for expensive routing equipment.
4. Host your own servers over ADSL securely

 Another advantage is that your boss can get his or her messages without being at the office–this can turn into a vaccation for both the boss and employees  . ordinarily this is a problem. Even with a VPN it can be a little bit of a problem as often the manager doesn’t have access to his regular laptop computer, with the VPN configuration, however just the resort’s computer or some type of Web cafe or suppliers/prospects computer. In this case it is best to reveal your email servers web interface over the Internet, then so long as the consumer has access to the web he or she can get their mails. We recommend utilizing one in all our uncapped ADSL options, such because the 512Kb uncapped ADSL, or the 1Mbps uncapped ADSL option for this as you get 5 fixed IP which make the hosting of software loads simpler

5. Do your buying and banking online
Although this might seem lame it is sensational how many individuals still do not use the Web to do banking and buying online.  Gas prices, long lines and short tempers makes using the Internet a much better option for shopping, banking and bill-paying  Moreover the convenience factor it’s also possible to lower your expenses as online buying is commonly cheaper and you can also make choices with out being distracted by all those advertisement and marketing gimmicks that retailers use to make you purchase that journal or chocolate in your way out which you don’t truly need.

Exploit your ADSL connection

I hope this article has provided you with some ideas on the way to use your ADSL connection to boost your corporation’s competitiveness. Sometime we just need to work smarter, not harder.
Mark Clarke is an Web options designer working for the South African based broadband connection firm Cyber Connect. His specialty is advising corporations on one of the best company broadband answer, with respect to funds and necessities, for their Internet or WAN connection needs.

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See for sale by owner

By jamie wharvell

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